Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Easter. This is my third post of this series. Last week it was "The Man" and today we will consider The Message. Horrifying but true, the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs are far more relevant to our younger generation than the epic event of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 
"STAT CRUX DUM ORBIS VOLVITUR" was the central statement in early church doctrine. Translated it reads "EVERYTHING CHANGES, THE CROSS REMAINS CONSTANT"
In an evanescent age and a world of a trillion tweets, absolutely nothing remains constant. The compass points of preceding generations have been obliterated in the blizzard of trivia and information that have engulfed the minds of the texter, tweeter, hash-tag masses.
Folks it has NOT CHANGED IN 2,000 YEARS.
Christ Jesus DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures, was buried and three days later, HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD according to the same scriptures.
Got any sins? Christ died for them. Got any honest doubts? The scriptures will answer them? Got any friends who are believers? Follow them to church this Easter and find out for yourselves.
"Stat crux dum orbis volivitur" In a dumbed-down generation that's the dum that really matters.


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