Friday, December 8, 2017


If you have not already heard of BITCOINS you will be reading about them shortly.
Although there are just a few thousand physical coins, the vast majority exist ONLY in cyber world. They are a form of digitalized currency with encryptions to prevent forgery and are independent of the centralized banking system.
They burst onto the market less than ten years ago as the new way of doing business in cyber world. They can be used for many sorts of transaction mainly through the internet and, in the last five years, have become the hottest commodity in the financial and investment world.
The first coins released were valued in the region of a hundred dollars: as of this morning they were trading at seventeen thousand dollars apiece.
Before you rush out and buy two or three, be cautioned.
What goes up vertically often comes down vertically. We experienced such an event in the sale of BreX gold shares in the 1980's when penny stock ballooned to two hundred dollars a share and then burst after the whole thing turned out to be a scam.
This could well turn out to be the case with BITCOINS but, at the moment, hot air continues to be pumped into the bubble.

The best deal on this earth is still the one that Jesus told us about, namely shares in Heaven, where rust and moths do not chew away your investments and your stock appreciates throughout eternity!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

THIS YEAR in Jerusalem

There has been a major storm brewing for several months. Tomorrow there will be a flash of lightning and an instant peal of thunder.
The flash of lighting will originate in the White House:  the peal of thunder will reverberate throughout the Middle East.
Tomorrow President Trump will announce that the United States of America will recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Instantaneously the United Nations, including most of the countries in Europe, will cry "FOUL" and accuse Trump of endangering the Middle East peace process. The whole world will have suddenly become a more perilous place. Trump and his far right supporters will be to blame. Terrorism will increase, Radical Islam will be given another cause to vent their hatred of the West, oil prices will soar and, wait for it, the SKY will fall.
Or will it.
If we believe the narrative laid out in the Bible this has all been planned for over two thousand years. God Himself decreed that His people would return to their homeland after been scattered among the nations for millennia. In 1948 their arrival home was sanctioned, when Israel became an independent nation. And would it not seem fitting that His Chosen People be given the ancient city of Jerusalem as their capital?
If you dislike that thought don't blame the President of America take the matter up with the High King of the Universe. If you listen He will tell you the reason.

