Sunday, February 19, 2017

Roe of the "Roe versus Wade" Dies.

So much for fame and notoriety. Ask Norma McCorvey who was the anonymous Jane Roe, made famous in the landmark abortion case in the 1970's. Norma McCorvey died yesterday at the age of 69.
She has gone to meet her Maker but not before she made her peace with Him. Norma accepted Christ as her Saviour twenty years after her epic court case.
From being the front line advocate for the bestial business of abortion, this lady became a tireless voice to all women who were thinking of terminating their pregnancy.
Well done Norma!
After her personal experience of salvation this lady spoke of how millions of women are manipulated by friends, partners, parents and the liberal media into giving up their child to the knife of the abortion doctor.
Yes millions indeed, for it is estimated that the number of unborn children killed in America since 1973 now stands at 58 million.
That is almost double the population of Canada.
The figure is too frightening to comprehend but be assured that the horror of legislated abortion is just ONE of the issues that is dividing America.
It will NEVER go away nor will the cry of the unborn EVER be silenced until another court settles the matter.
That great assize is about to take place in Heaven in a few years time.



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