Saturday, February 11, 2017


Ever heard of IHAT? After this post you will never hear of it again.
Why? Because IHAT which stands for Iraq Historic Abuse Team has been shut down PERMANENTLY.
Like so many other liberally birthed, good intentioned, well meaning creations IHAT morphed into an uncontrolled monster that  brought Iraq British veterans before its tribunals with fictional episodes and false allegations of how they had violated the rules of war. Having survived the trauma of battle, these soldiers were then subjected to the front line fire of lawyers seeking to pad their pockets at tax payer expense. And massive expenses they were: 
Fifty million dollars and still counting as the U.K Government sought to prosecute its own soldiers for misconduct in a war that they sent them to win.
The latest casualty, however, is the lead human rights lawyer, a creep if ever their was one. His name is Phil Shiner and he has been  fired for gross exaggeration and for bringing false charges against dozens of veterans. Among these are Sgt Brian Wood, who suffered a nine month nightmare of inquisition and Captain Rachel Webster who summed up her ordeal by saying what the battle line had failed to do this bogus court had accomplished by destroying her life.
Yesterday IHAT was dissolved and the 3,000 cases in its file reduced to 20.
That is probably 20 too many. Good riddance to IHAT, good riddance to a hundred lawyers who need to get an honest job. good riddance to every other piece of hideous bureaucracy that harasses good men and women while it fattens the wallets of the lazy, unscrupulous few, who birthed it in the first place.

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