Friday, November 18, 2016

Trump/Clinton The Flawed Candidates.

I have just put the phone down to my brother-in-law in England. He and his friends stand speechless that Donald Trump could ever have been elected to the high office of president of the United States.
How could such a braggart, such a domineering, posturing demagogue, such a mysogynist ever be granted the keys to the White House by the American people?
Nor are such sentiments confined to my brother-in-law across in the U.K. There are a few people in Canada and, I may say, also in America who think the same way.
But let me remind both them and myself that this 2106 election was a straight choice between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton and BOTH candidates had major and glaring vices that could have disqualified them from the job.
No. The people in America did not vote for a parish priest. They voted for someone who they hoped would bring about REAL change and bought millions of "Make America Great Again" hats and Tee shirts to articulate their hope. 
In the Old Testament it was always debatable whether the real power belonged to the King or to the wise men who advised him.
Let us, for  the sake of argument, say it was a fifty-fifty deal.
If that be so take heart in the fact that Mike Pence, vice president and Priebus, the New Chief of staff, are good Christian men and others such as General Flynn, Jeff Sessions and Rudy Giuliani represent a sane and solid phalanx for the new cabinet.
Don't worry folks. Trump is in the White House but God is still on His Great White Throne.



Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Election 2016: The Aftermath.

In the immediate aftermath of the historic U.S election of 2016 have come a spate of mass protests ( all in the democratic strong holds of Los Angeles, New York, Portland  and Miami )
There have been placards proclaiming "American Tragedy" "Not My President ", "Dump Trump"  and a lot more.
One of the organizers of these social-media-driven protests has said that "We do not want to challenge the legitimacy of the election. We just want chance to MOURN." This need to mourn is born out by the emergency grief and loss centres that have sprung up across college campuses. Here, traumatized students can drop by for special free therapy sessions.
It is all enough to boggle the mind.
If the scale of grieving stretches from one to ten and there are kids that are off the scale because their election hopes backfired , then where would they be if real tragedy were to strike?
Lacking any of the milk of human kindness, Rudolf Guliani (likely the new Attorney General) has said these protesters are a bunch of cry babies who need to get back to their studies. 
But let us try to be a little more compassionate and believe that. come Christmas, it will be just a faint memory and that they will all be feeling better.
Meantime, one of the Trump camp who was asked his opinion about it all said "We have already registered our protest. WE VOTED."


Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Undesirables and the Uneducated

One thing has become patently clear through all the passion and heat of the U.S. election 2016 and that is the insufferable high-mindedness of the media.
 Having backed the wrong horse in the run up to election day they are now in the business of examination, not SELF examination mind you. No, they are now analyzying not where THEY got it wrong but rather where THE PEOPLE who voted for Donald Trump got it wrong.
Their  conclusions are simple and unassailable. The folk from TRUMPISTAN are uneducated and therefore need to go through some sort of crash course before 2020 rolls around and we go through it all again.
The recommendation for the Democratic party is to get the people from Middle America (Middle Ages) re-educated so that their eyes may be opened as to what the real world is all about.
And as for those evangelical, Bible believing christians. Something needs to be done about them quickly, since fully 87% voted for the wrong party.
"Why", says Katie Couric (the erst while news anchor from ABC Televison)  "These people ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT THE WORLD WAS MADE IN SEVEN DAYS!"
Well, it looks as though Pauline and I will need to sign up for Summer School next year, because we are numbered among those simpletons who believe in the Genesis creation account.
And by the way, we also believe in the story of the flood and may be going  to Kentucky in Trumpistan next year to see the big ark down there!

