Friday, March 4, 2016

Trump and Christie.

Happier Days.

Hated and reviled by all, Donald Trump stoically marches on, now accompanied by a new found friend, Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey.
Donald needs all the friends he can muster.
He is Hilary Clinton's main target for satire and vitriol, now that Bernie Sanders has faded on the Democratic radar screen.
Trump also took a verbal tongue lashing from a former republican contender, Mitt Romney. Yesterday,  Romney launched into a tirade against Donald calling him everything nasty and unpleasant short of being a criminal.
If these indignities were not enough to bear, half the leaders of Europe have expressed their horror at the thought of having to deal with a future President Trump.
Finally, last night, his republican rivals engaged Trump in a debate that had all the marks of cage wrestling. Blows were rained down from Marco Rubio on the left and Ted Cruz on the right, both determined to have Donald's blood on the canvas before the contest was over.
All of this must surely bring us to the conclusion that the massive following of thirty million Americans who have sworn to vote for Trump as President must all be deluded fools.
Yes, that is what they must be: ignorant, blind, brain-washed masses who really need to be educated as to what democracy is all about.
But an interesting foot note to this unfolding drama is that the three people who called Trump a mad-man last night have all vowed to support him if he secures the Republican nomination and that, my friends, is what POLITICS IS ALL ABOUT.

