Saturday, September 5, 2015

Migrants by the Million.

Arabic text. "Go over there. The infidels will take you in."

Back from vacation from BWI and back to a Europe in turmoil with unlimited hosts of refugees and migrants arriving on its shores. They have come by boat, by foot on overland treks and by every other desperate and ingenious way to make it to their new land of promise. By far the majority of this suffering surge of humanity are fleeing the war torn lands of Islam, but it is interesting to note, that they have not turned to their Arab neighbours for help. The impossibly wealthy Gulf state nations have made it clear to their forlorn cousins that they are "personae non grata."

"Stay away from here; go over there. Europe will take you in."
And so, with the House of Islam in flames, its inmates are fleeing to the old countries of Christendom for refuge, succour and the hope of a better life.
And Christendom, it appears, will open their doors to these bereaved supplicants.
This great act of charity will have its consequences.
Old Europe, already stressed with unemployment, recession and social unrest has added a new factor to their unstable equation: the prospect of millions of Muslims to challenge culture, tradition and religion with their demand for sharia law and special status for the Nation of Islam.
We already have it in my country of Canada. We can expect lots more of it in the future.