Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Evolution. From the Big Picture to the Little Picture.

An absolutely stunning new title is now available for all to read.
It is called "The Beckoning", by Michael Minot.
I must mention, for the sake of my brother-in-law, David, who has told me "Ian, we must use our brains" that Minot has got more than enough brains to go round.
He began his journey to faith as an atheistic attorney who had been challenged by the abortion controversy.
Puzzled as to when LIFE actually begins he studied the question from the very first cells within the mother's womb.
This was the starting point of a fascination that engulfed his prejudiced mind and led him on a personal quest that two years later ended in his conversion to Christ.
When I heard Minot speak he emphasized that it was not the macrocosm the universe, but the microscopic universe of the human cell with its billions of different growth-codes, which convinced him of the certainty of its design.
Shortly thereafter he found confirmation of this new found conviction in the Bible. A text book that had been long neglected in his life.
Strange that the Bible, the world's best seller, is often the source that people go to LAST of all in their quest for truth. I wonder why that is? May I recommend that you make it your FIRST recourse in searching for answers to life's mysteries.
