Thursday, July 3, 2014

Suffer the little children

It is a strange predicament.
For the last nine months an almost unrestricted flow of children have been crossing the southern U.S. border with Mexico; about 300 a day.
Kids that have been put on a bus by their mothers with a one way ticket and instructions to keep walking till they arrive in America.
Well, I have concluded that this one way in which God Himself is redressing the negative birthrate in America, produced, in part, by 150,000 abortions every year by mothers who don't want to keep their babies.

Think about that. Over a hundred thousand children being given to the United States by mothers desperate to give their children a better life. Over a hundred thousand babies aborted by mothers who don't want them to live at all!


Sunday, June 29, 2014

It's not a syn it's a syndrome

The World Cup has brought drama-a-plenty in Brazil. There have been spectacular goals, controversial penalties and upsets galore but nothing compares with the rogue behaviour of Uruguay's, Luis Suarez. Towards the end of his team's game against Italy he inexplicably closed with Andre Chelini and chomped down on the man's shoulder.
Were this a first-time infringement it would have been deplorable, but this is the THIRD such offence against Suarez (rated among the top three players in the world)
The third time of taking a piece out of an opposing player.
Suddenly we have a syndrome.
Psychiatrists have weighed in with  their analysis of Suarez and diagnosed that he suffers from an 'intermittent, explosive, biting disorder'  called, carnero draculensis.
Ah, now everything becomes clear.
The irresistible urge to sink his fangs into people is not unsportsman- like violence, it is a disorder for which Suarez needs to be counselled.
The FIFA ruling body are not fully convinced. They have sunk their own teeth into Suarez and handed down a four month ban from playing soccer. That should be time enough for him to see a dentist and get his incisors taken out or to go to the 'shrinks' and get his carnero draculensis fixed.

