Friday, September 20, 2013

Breakfast with Herb

Yesterday my friend John Ter Stege put a little book into my hand and said " You are not the only one doing daily breakfasts."

The title of the book  was "Breakfast with Herb."

So far I have liked what I have read.
Here's a sample from Herb's menu.
                  Banking Machines Make Mistakes Too

Well, I did my usual cash withdrawal for a hundred bucks.
At that point I normally count my five 20's to make sure of the amount and on my way I go. Well this time I counted six.... I've got six 20's. I looked at it and the one bill had a tear in it. At the tear, it had been folded over, so when it fed out, it fed out two instead of one.
I went into the bank, asked for the lady in charge and said to her:
"I withdrew a $100:00 and it gave me an extra twenty."
As I started to show her what happened she looked at me as if I was absolutely nuts. She just stared at me as if she was totally disinterested.
I said, " So here is the extra one," and I put it on the counter and stepped back.
She didn't say a word. She didn't say thank you or anything else.
She just stared at me and then I walked out without her having said a word to me.
Sounds to me like the Machine and the Manager have both got problems.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Computer Problems.

I have had computer problems for the last two days.
My carefully calibrated, cyber-world came to an abrupt halt. I spent time on my knees sorting through a spaghetti of wires in my closet and, after that, approximately three hours talking with technical experts in Toronto. I swapped my modem and did some other contortions and, it was after that, Pauline suggested that I phone an old friend around the corner.
A solution that had defied the combined brains-trust of Rogers Tech department was settled in three minutes.
I unplugged and re-plugged a router box, checked a connection and 
suddenly the screen lit up and, pouf, I was back in Shangri-la.

I guess that is the whole story of redemption right there.
Connection to God was lost through a simple and single act of disobedience in the Garden of Eden.
All the commonwealth of human wisdom was unable to re-establish our lost relationship with God. Then Jesus Christ provided a way at Calvary, and instead of us sorting through a spaghetti of rules and regulations, we come to Him, receive His offer of forgiveness and grace then, pouf, our screen lights up again.
That's the secret of all dislocation in relationships. Confession and forgiveness. Find the loose wire; if you pulled it out in the first place, confess your fault to whoever it may be, receive forgiveness and you'll be back in Shangri La..... until the next time!

